My Other Works

I have been asked to write a few academic books based on what I have taught for many years in school. I have taught both public school and online school. I still teach online to this day.

These books are just some of the things I teach in those classes. I specialize in grammar usage. I have just updated my writing basics book and the new second edition will be available shortly!

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Grammar: It's more fun than watching paint dry.

I worked hard on this Grammar book so everyone can have easy access to a great grammar resource!

Writing Basics for Aspiring Authors

Help for Putting Together a Solid Writing Project

A short and sweet guide on how to write, punctuate, and publish a writing project.

Shadesilver Publishing publishes books by Cleave Bourbon and Beckett Blaise

Amarillo, Texas


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All Rights Reserved.

Location: Amarillo, Texas